
  • Erika Kurniawati Master of Government Science Study Program, Lambung Mangkurat University
  • Ahmad Suriansyah Master of Government Science Study Program, Lambung Mangkurat University
  • Jamaluddin Master of Government Science Study Program, Lambung Mangkurat University


Leadership, Lurah, Community Empowerment, Karang Taruna.


Community empowerment can be done with the active participation of the community which must be facilitated by the presence of community empowerment actors who come from a leader. This study aims to find out how lurah leadership is related to community empowerment through cadet corals, and find out whether the inhibiting factors in lurah leadership in increasing community empowerment through cadet corals. In this study, data collection techniques were divided into 2 (two) types of data sources used, namely (1) Primary data, which is data obtained directly from respondents either through interviews, observation and documentation. (2) Secondary data is data obtained by reading books, literature, official documents, related laws and regulations. The analytical techniques used by Miles and Huberman' s model analysis techniques are qualitatively formulated in order to produce descriptive data. From the results of the study, it can be seen that the leadership of the lurah in increasing community empowerment through cadets looks good with his leadership using participatory, situational, delegative and charismatic leadership styles even though community participation is still not optimal and there is a need for increased guidance from the village government. In improving community empowerment through cadets, they should further optimize their leadership abilities and qualities and improve coaching, setting an example and motivation for the community. it can be seen that the leadership of the lurah in increasing community empowerment through cadets looks good with his leadership using participatory, situational, delegative and charismatic leadership styles even though community participation is still not optimal and there is a need for increased guidance from the village government. In improving community empowerment through cadets, they should further optimize their leadership abilities and qualities and improve coaching, setting an example and motivation for the community. it can be seen that the leadership of the lurah in increasing community empowerment through cadets looks good with his leadership using participatory, situational, delegative and charismatic leadership styles even though community participation is still not optimal and there is a need for increased guidance from the village government. In improving community empowerment through cadets, they should further optimize their leadership abilities and qualities and improve coaching, setting an example and motivation for the community.


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How to Cite

Kurniawati, E., Suriansyah, A., & Jamaluddin. (2023). LURAH LEADERSHIP IN IMPROVING COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT THROUGH KARANG TARUNA IN LANJAS VILLAGE, TEWEH TENGAH DISTRICT, NORTH BARITO REGENCY. International Journal Political, Law, and Social Science, 4(1). Retrieved from


