International Journal Political, Law, and Social Science
<p><span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="id" data-phrase-index="0" data-number-of-phrases="5">International Journal of Political, Law, and Social Science <a href="">[ISSN: 2501-7322]</a> is a journal that was developed to study and research events that occur in the political, legal, social, and economic fields in various parts of the world today.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="id" data-phrase-index="2" data-number-of-phrases="5">The International Journal of Political, Law, and Social Science publishes written works in the form of the latest research results or in-depth and credible conceptual studies so that in content they can be appropriate references in the development of science and social policy.</span> <span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="id" data-phrase-index="4" data-number-of-phrases="5">The International Journal of Political, Law, and Social Science is published by the Center for Political, Legal, Economic, and Social Research in the 21st Century, and is published twice a year.</span></span></p>en-US[email protected] (Jet Mboga)[email protected] (Adriana Sciorra)Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000OJS MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN MUARA TEWEH CITY, NORTH BARITO REGENCY
<p>The problem of annual flooding that never ends is a strategic problem. There are three problems expressed, namely what flood management efforts and strategies have been carried out? What are the obstacles to overcoming it? Qualitative approach method with descriptive type. The data collection procedures are interviews, observation and documentation. data analysis using data reduction, data presentation, and verification/drawing conclusions, as well as SWOT analysis. The results of the research show: there are 4 (four) flood prevention and control programs, namely first, the construction of cliff strengthening buildings. Second, Normalization of River Restoration. Third, Rehabilitation & Maintenance - River Banks and Embankments. Fourth, increased cleaning and dredging of rivers/streams. However, the four programs are based on Edward III's theoretical analysis which includes communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure which are not yet optimal. There are 3 inhibiting factors, namely: lowland areas, settlements on river banks and bodies, limited budget, and depending on the scale of development priorities. SWOT analysis produces 4 alternative strategies, where the SO strategy is the main alternative strategy, namely: Developing a strategic plan for flood disaster management through synergy plans for TAKAKI Development, Siring and Dredging the Barito River watershed which is experiencing silting in collaboration with the private sector and Civil Society in flood disaster management in implementing these 3 development programs.</p>Warno Warno, Muhammad Riduasnyah Syafari, Irwansyah Irwansyah, Fitriadi Fitriadi
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