Implementation, Regional Regulation, Layak Anak District, North Barito Regency.Abstract
Implementation of Regional Regulation Number 03 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Layak Anak Districts at the Office of Population Control, Family Planning and Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in North Barito Regency. Thesis. Master of Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Lambung Mangkurat University, under the guidance of (1) Setia Budhi and (II) Jamaluddin. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the implementation of North Barito Regency Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2020 concerning the implementation of Layak Anak Districts at the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in North Barito Regency and its inhibiting factors. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research type. Methods through interviews, observations and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of Layak Anak District policies in an effort to fulfill children's rights in North Barito Regency was quite good, seen from the commitments from various cross-sectors, programs or activities to meet the needs of children's rights. Although the fulfillment of children's rights has not been fully optimal because for sectoral interests, communication between organizations is running quite well, resources, budget and institutional commitment are still not good enough. In conclusion, the fulfillment of children's rights needs to be improved by local governments for the success of future development. s rights in North Barito Regency was quite good, seen from the commitments from various cross-sectors, programs or activities to meet the needs of children's rights. Although the fulfillment of children's rights has not been fully optimal because for sectoral interests, communication between organizations is running quite well, resources, budget and institutional commitment are still not good enough. In conclusion, the fulfillment of children's rights needs to be improved by local governments for the success of future development. s rights in North Barito Regency was quite good, seen from the commitments from various cross-sectors, programs or activities to meet the needs of children's rights. Although the fulfillment of children's rights has not been fully optimal because for sectoral interests, communication between organizations is running quite well, resources, budget and institutional commitment are still not good enough. In conclusion, the fulfillment of children's rights needs to be improved by local governments for the success of future development. resources, budget and institutional commitment are still not good enough. In conclusion, the fulfillment of children's rights needs to be improved by local governments for the success of future development. resources, budget and institutional commitment are still not good enough. In conclusion, the fulfillment of children's rights needs to be improved by local governments for the success of future development.
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