Implementation, Archives, Supervision.Abstract
This research aims to determine and analyze the implementation of internal archives supervision policies at the One Stop Integrated Services Investment, Transmigration and Manpower Service in Balangan Regency. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation and as a research informant Head of the One Stop Investment and Integrated Service, Transmigration and Manpower Department of Balangan Regency, Secretary of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services, Transmigration and Manpower of Balangan Regency, Head of the Capital Investment Division and One Stop Integrated Services, Transmigration and Balangan Regency Workers and Community Leaders. The research results show that Communication: Effective communication is the key to achieving successful records management. There was an improvement in communication between departments following awareness of the need for change in 2019. This is reflected in significant improvements in records management in 2022, demonstrating the positive impact of better communication within the organization. Resources: Limited human resources, especially the number and quality of archivists, are the main challenges in archival management. Even though the budget resources related to archival management are sufficient, the need to increase the capacity of archivists is still in the planning process. However, efforts to improve human resources continue to be made through various policies and training. Disposition: A strong disposition from the leadership towards the administration of archives has been seen, but it is not evenly distributed at all levels of office. Complex disposition problems need to be addressed by increasing the awareness and responsibility of ASNs in managing records. These steps are in line with the aim of the National Archives Awareness Movement to increase awareness of the importance of archives management. Bureaucratic Structure: An efficient and non-fragmented bureaucratic structure is an important factor in implementing records management policies. However, the Department still needs to prepare SOPs related to archival management to ensure better technical implementation. The establishment of a more integrated bureaucratic structure and the implementation of clear SOPs will facilitate better coordination in records management. Factors Inhibiting the Implementation of Internal Records Supervision Policies at the One Stop Integrated Services Investment, Transmigration and Labor Service in Balangan Regency Ineffective communication, lack of human resources and knowledge, incompatibility of dispositions, and linkages with bureaucratic structures.
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