
  • Riduan Syahrani Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan
  • Budi Suryadi Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan


Evaluation, Performance, District.


This research aims to evaluate the performance of the District Office in West Daha District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency and identify and analyze the obstacles in the performance of the District Office in West Daha District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation and as research informants are the sub-district head, sub-district secretary, head of Ekobang, head of government and PM, head of welfare, head of public services, head of public order. The research focus uses 3 indicators, namely, Effectiveness, Accountability and Responsiveness. The results of the research show that the Performance Evaluation of the District Office in Daha Barat District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, in terms of effectiveness, is quite high so that in implementing activities, results have been obtained that are in accordance with planning, this needs to be maintained. Evaluation of the Performance of the District Office in Daha Barat District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, seen from the perspective that accountability is still low so that the implementation of accountability activities is still lacking. The West Daha District Office must pay attention to monitoring and reporting the results of work from each field. Evaluation of the Performance of the District Office in Daha Barat District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, shows that responsiveness is still low so that the sensitivity of each organizational actor in the Daha Barat District Office needs to be increased so that work tasks can be carried out in accordance with the plans that have been determined. There needs to be high awareness from officials at the West Daha District Office so that the implementation of their responsibilities can be well understood. The Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency Government must look at the regional conditions related to the delegation of authority to the sub-district head so that the delegation of authority can be implemented.


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How to Cite

Syahrani, R., & Suryadi, B. (2024). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE DISTRICT OFFICE IN DAHA WEST DISTRICT, HULU SUNGAI SELATAN DISTRICT. International Journal Political, Law, and Social Science, 5(1). Retrieved from


