
  • Bayu Satrya Husodo Masters Program of Development Studies, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan
  • Udiansyah Udiansyah Masters Program of Development Studies, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan
  • Muhammad Riduansyah Syafari Masters Program of Development Studies, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan


Analysis, Planning, Community Based Total Sanitation Program.


This research was motivated by the planning of the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program in Pulau Patai Village and Magantis Village, Dusun Timur District, which was carried out by the East Barito District Health Office, which was considered not optimal and on target with data in the field UPTD Puskesmas Tamiang Layang as a health coach the people in the village area. This study aims to: 1) Analyze the causes of the problem because the planning process for the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program in Pulau Patai Village and Magantis Village was not optimal, which was carried out by the East Barito District Health Office. 2) Analyze the process of synchronizing the planning of the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program in Pulau Patai Village and Magantis Village conducted by the East Barito District Health Office. 3) Know the pattern and process of planning and monitoring the evaluation of the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program in Pulau Patai Village and Magantis Village conducted by the East Barito District Health Office. 4) Formulate strategies for solving problems to optimize the planning process for the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program in Pulau Patai Village and Magantis Village conducted by the East Barito District Health Office. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data analysis was carried out by collecting data through interviews with several informants and document searches. The data obtained was then analyzed using Fish Bone Analysis and SWOT Analysis. The results of the study show that: 1) The main causes of the problem are the not optimal planning of the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program in the village which is carried out by the East Barito District Health Office, which is caused and influenced by 5 M or 5 aspects, namely: Man Power; method; Material; Measurement/ Monitoring; Mother Nature/Environment. 2) Man Power: Ability of officers to analyze and manage reports, Lack of understanding of the latest program standards/guidelines, Socialization and training are not conducted regularly, Level of education is still Diploma III, Sanitarian is working on multiple assignments. 3) Method: Socialization and advocacy through the PPSP Working Group, cross-sectoral cross-programs are not optimal and sustainable, Interview and observation data validation is not carried out optimally, Data reporting and management is not accurate. 4) Material: The accuracy of the report does not comply with the procedural guidelines, reported data is inaccurate, Bartim Regent Decree No. 326 of 2019 Designation of Stunting Priority Villages and Regent Decree June 2021, Changes in direction of National and Regional policies, Structural change and rotation of positions. 5) Measurement/Monitoring: Dissemination of the results of the progress of the implementation of the STBM program per Regency and per Sub-district was only ever carried out in 2018, Monev was not carried out regularly, setting targets and achievements was not clear, Measurement and reporting accuracy was not optimal and well-measured. 6) Mother Nature/Environment: Pulau Patai Village is a preparatory village as a tourism village.


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How to Cite

Satrya Husodo, B., Udiansyah, U., & Riduansyah Syafari, M. (2023). PLANNING ANALYSIS OF COMMUNITY-BASED TOTAL SANITATION PROGRAM (STBM) IN PULAU PATAI VILLAGE AND MAGANTIS VILLAGE, DUSUN TIMUR DISTRICT. International Journal Political, Law, and Social Science, 4(3). Retrieved from


