
  • Brian Ajisoko Masters Program of Development Studies, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan
  • Andi Tenri Sompa Masters Program of Development Studies, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan
  • Muhammad Riduansyah Syafari Masters Program of Development Studies, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan


Industrial Area, Social Community, Social Impact, Tanah Bumbu Regency.


The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of industrial estate development on the social life of the community from the aspects of access to information, smooth functioning routines, and the impact of benefits in Sari Gadung Village, Simpang Empat District, Tanah Bumbu Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach, this qualitative approach will encourage researchers to go into the field and directly observe the activities carried out at the research location. The results of the research show that in terms of access to information and compliance, the flow of information regarding the government's plans for the development of MNH has been maximally implemented, both to internal and external parties. In the aspect of smooth functioning routines, there are problems with land conversion and land compensation costs. In terms of impacts and benefits, there are negative impacts, which have implications for changing patterns of work in the surrounding community, land conversion and environmental problems. The positive impact is stimulating economic activity, opening up new business opportunities, opening up job opportunities, developing education and soft skills for the community and increasing migration of people in the spice lands. In addition, with the existence of an industrial insight, companies become more organized and focused. Apart from that, it is also easier from an environmental monitoring and control point of view because companies or industries have management or managers who can be involved in assisting environmental control activities. The Government of Tanah Bumbu Regency, especially the related OPD, It is recommended to form an integrated provincial and district team that involves various stakeholders to provide community compensation based on length of stay as well as socio-cultural, science and technology and religious approaches through deliberations with traditional community leaders, companies and communities to resolve land conversion issues. The manager of the Batulicin Industrial Area must also be able to coordinate CSR from companies so that social responsibility is in line with the target, cares about environmental problems and is able to improve people's living standards for the better.


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How to Cite

Ajisoko, B., Tenri Sompa, A., & Riduansyah Syafari, M. (2023). THE IMPACT OF INDUSTRIAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ON THE SOCIAL COMMUNITY OF SARI GADUNG VILLAGE, SIMPANG EMPAT DISTRICT, TANAH BUMBU REGENCY. International Journal Political, Law, and Social Science, 4(2). Retrieved from


